21 Day group Challenge

group Challenge

Join me in a 21 day challenge. Jumpstart your weight loss and health journey by eating the same foods that have been proven to be fast acting, metabolism-boosting and calorie burning fuel. Eat simply and abundantly.


21 day Challenge

winter jan 14-feb 4

21 day challenge

spring challenge tbd


*Due to the digital nature of these product and services, no refunds will be given after purchase.

The goal of this challenge is to jumpstart your weight loss and health journey by eating an abundance of the same foods that have been proven to be fast acting, metabolism speeding and calorie burning fuel. This challenge takes all the guesswork and stress out of eating.

This program is based on Dr. John McDougall's Starch Solution - a starch, whole foods, plant based, anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Your body's main source of fuel is carbohydrates. They are what your body needs in order to burn your daily calories, speed up your metabolism, reach optimal health, and lose the weight once and for all.

While this is a challenge, it is also a lifestyle. This is safe and effective to continue on after the 21 days. This is the most sustainable and satisfying way of eating to maintain your health and lose/maintain weight for the rest of your life. You may choose to add diversity as you get more comfortable with the high starch, low fat foods. But for these 10 days, we are keeping it very simple.

The time in the kitchen will be extremely minimal. You will already know the foods you will be eating. You can choose to spice it up with a different compliant sauce to add variety. You can be creative or as simple as you'd like with your meals. You don't have to give up coffee or alcohol (although results will happen faster without alcohol). You don’t have to incorporate a crazy exercise routine to see results. Trust the process and let go of negative societal stigmas on carbohydrates. This is a challenge so it's meant to take you out of your comfort zone.

I will have an abundance of sauce and meal recipes, meal ideas, meal plans, condiment options, and food photos. You will be connected with a community of others on the challenge. Along with the group constantly sharing their meals for inspiration, I am here for around the clock guidance the entire time. This challenge is completely interactive with nutrition information, cooking tips and tricks, label/fact checking, Q+A, motivation, FUN, with a supportive community.

What you get

  • My brand new challenge guide and outline
  • And my NEW ultimate weight loss program ($125 value)
  • My sauce recipe book


  • 2 zoom calls!

  • Max Weight loss
  • Maximizing your health
  • Recipes
  • Meal plans and ideas
  • Learning how to eat more and weigh less
  • Eating an anti inflammatory diet
  • How to eat a starch based diet for weight loss goals and lifelong maintenance 
  • Showing you carbs are not the enemy- in fact they are the solution to what will make you trim and healthy
  • Oil free cooking tips and tricks
  • Lifelong nutrition information that can quite literally save your life, health, and waistline
  • Compliant sauce recipes 
  • Compliant condiments and store bought sauces + food items ideas
  • My around the clock hand holding and guidances for 23 days (2 days prior to challenge for prep)
  • A highly motivated and excited COMMUNITY for constant food sharing, meal ideas, store finds, and favorite recipes
  • A constant group messaging board to connect throughout the entire challenge- we're all in this together!
  • My 9+ years of expertise in this dietary lifestyle along with my certification through The McDougall Program and IIN
  • How to eat a whole food plant based diet 
  • How to eat a high carb, high satiety, low fat, low calorie diet for maximum weight loss and health results 

previous 10 DAY CHALLENGE testimonials


“People still think I’m crazy when I tell them a did a potato challenge... well guess what, I've never met my weight loss and health goals so quickly with ZERO food cravings.” - Elizabeth


"I lost 5 pounds - it definitely works!" - Erin


“Down 6.8 pounds, yah! Guess who is eating oatmeal for breakfast and rice for lunch?” - Ashlan


“I’ve lost 5 pounds in the past week, my scale shows body fat % down and visceral fat down." - Kody

“I got weighed at the Doctor’s today and have lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. I am feeling really good and good about my body! I 1000% believe in your ways.” - Chelsea


“Best 10 days I’ve had in a long time.” - Ellen


“Total lost is 7lbs; and all while starting my period. CRAZY!” -Michelle


“I am never hungry, I have energy, and I don't have to count calories or points, or follow recipes. I am feeding my body whole foods and starches... exactly what it needs for optimal health." - Elizabeth

"I weighed myself and I'm down 7 pounds in 10 days" - Judy


“Juan lost a total of 11 pounds in 10 days.” - Yara


“Thanks Emily for everything. I am down 5lbs in just 10 days. That is pretty impressive.”- Lisa


“This morning I stepped on the scale thinking I was going to be disappointed… I never went hungry, I ate an abundance of delicious, whole foods and my stomach has never felt so at peace. I have a lot of stomach issues so this was quite backwards thinking than what I am used to with a “diet.”

But my eyes had to look twice because the scale said 4lbs! 10 days, 4 freaking lbs.” - Ashlee

"Literally the first time I've seen my abs in a while. It feels good. I've missed them." - Lexi


“This post menopausal G-ma joined the group after a lot of trial and error and research in a desperate attempt to heal my body. It worked! The crippling fatigue is gone. The heavy brain fog is gone. My joint pain is subsiding too. And for the first time in many years, weight is coming off! I’m down 5.5 pounds in ten days. Without exercise!” - Patty

“So I waited a half hour before posting because I wanted to check one more time, but got the same results. It seems I lost 11.4 pounds”- Jessica K

After the challenge


So you've done the challenge and had amazing results. But what now? What’s next? You can sign up for my 1:1 coaching at any time to continue on your journey while working directly with me with a discounted price. Ask for details;)